恭喜Yanki老師以榮譽成績考獲英國Rockschool演奏級LRSL(Perf)文憑 Congrats to Yanki of passing her LRSL with Distinction
March 05, 2014
恭喜Yanki老師以榮譽成績考獲英國Rockschool流行歌唱演奏級LRSL(Perf)文憑,成為大中華地區目前為止英國Rockschool流行歌唱考試的最高學歷持有者。Big Congrat to Miss Yanki of passing the Rockschool Vocal Level 6 Licentiate Diploma in Music Performance LRSL (Perf) with Distinction. The highest qualification holder of Rockschool vocal in greater China so far.
二O一三年第二期Rockschool歌唱考試成績單公布! Rockschool Vocal Exam Reports of 2013 Period B Released!
November 29, 2013
本期應考的所有同學全部均以Merit成績通過考核!正式證書將於一個月後發出,請留意Yanki老師稍候的個別通知。All students pass the exam with merit! The certificates will be sent after one month, Miss Yanki will announce the candidates individually.
與Rockschool英國執行總監會面 Meeting the Executive Director of Rockschool UK
November 15, 2013
Yanki老師在台灣與Rockschool英國執行總監Jeremy Ward會面,並隨即展開在Rockschool Taiwan的兩星期教學。Miss Yanki meeting the executive director of Rockschool UK – Jeremy Ward in Taiwan. Soon she will start her teaching at Rockschool Taiwan for two weeks.
於台灣開辦歌唱課程 Going to Taiwan for vocal teaching class
November 05, 2013
Yanki老師將遠赴台灣,並於Rockschool Taiwan開辦為期兩星期的唱歌課程,有興趣的同學趕快報名囉!Miss Yanki is going to Taiwan and give class in Rockschool Taiwan for two weeks. Please submit you application ASAP if you are interested!